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4 Reasons why your Kitchen is a Natural alternative to TOXIC Medicines

The Kitchen Pharmacy

Certain things in the kitchen are not good for our bodies or the environment, but there are a few that actually increase our vitamin and mineral intake while healing the body.
At this point, it is common knowledge that over the counter and prescribe medications can be harmful and sometime deadly to US. However, given all the marketing hype and the billions of dollars spend by the pharmaceutical companies to...

Five Golf Gifts for the Man in Your Life that Will Not Break the Bank

Looking for a Christmas gift for the golfer in your life?
Then look at the list below and choose from the wide range of ideas for men this year, and deliver the perfect gifts that will not wreck the bank.
1. SKLZ Accelerator Pro Putting Mat 
The SKLZ Accelerator Pro Putting Mat Golf Training Aid with ball return will assist in perfecting your game. The ability to practice 7-, 5- and 3-foot putt lengths on a 9-foot mat conveniently at home or in the office makes for a great gift. Enjoy hours of solid practice from this durable true-roll turf with its gravity ball return feature, which makes a terrific present. Priced at $49.99.

Island Hopping Vacation in the Caribbean; Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique and St. Lucia

The Caribbean is a great choice for budget conscious travelers. The proximity of these Islands to the U.S., makes it very inexpensive for families to go island hopping and enjoy the many different geographies and cultures the islands have to offer. Additionally some of the Islands' currency being almost three to one to the U.S. dollar will definitely give you added purchasing power 

The Many Uses of Vinegar

Whether you are glazing your favorite grilled meat, spicing up a hearty salad bowl, marinating, pickling or creating your very own style of hot sauce, vinegar provides you with delightful options to enrich the flavor of all your favorite foods. Vinegar is also great for sanitizing, disinfecting and deodorizing the kitchen and bath.

How to Eradicate Fear and Live in Confidence

Fear comes in different forms such as: anxiety, terror, alarm, worry, panic, phobias, etc. Fear comes in different types: Fear of failure, fear of the world, fear of evil, fear of bad news, fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of what man can do, fear of what people say, fear of being ridiculed, fear of success, etc. The best way to combat fear is to rebuke it and do what it is that you are afraid of regardless of your fear. Do it one day at a time, one-step at a time. And before you know it that thing will not be a problem anymore.

Hiker’s Paradise: The Waitukubuli National Trail in the Caribbean Island of Dominica

The Waitukubuli National Trail comprises 115 miles of trail traversing the length of Dominica. The 14 Trail Segments of the Waitukubuli National Trail spans from Scott's Head in the south, to Capuchin in the north of the Island. The trail will take you into therapeutic sulphur springs, down treacherous valleys, up steep hills and mountains, into lush rainforests, by rivers and lakes, and past tempting cascading waterfalls both big and small. Along the way, Dominica's unique breath-taking terrain will reveal her wellness secrets hidden in her flora and fauna, and her warm friendly people.